iOS 13: How to Add Weather to Lock Screen?

There are many things that make iOS great, but the Lock Screen isn’t one of them. It is not possible to view more information on iOS değils Lock Screen except for dates, times, and notifications. However, there is a way to display weather information on the Lock Screen. iOS 13 has a feature that allows weather information to appear on the Lock Screen.

This secret feature of iOS 13 appeared on the iPhone XS Lock Screen while WWDC 2019 was talking to Apple’s Software Engineering Vice-President, Craig Federighi, about his Impairment feature.

As you can imagine, it is also part of the Disturbance feature Bedtime Mode. The Weather Screen can be added to the Lock Screen thanks to the Bedtime Mode activated on an iPhone with the Disable feature enabled. But how? In this article we will try to answer.

Location Information Access for Weather App

The Weather app always needs to access your location so that the weather information appears on the Lock Screen. Weather information does not appear on the Lock Screen if you have set the location access for the Weather application to durum When Using the Application san or ”Never Hava.

From the Settings> Privacy> Location Services menu, click Weather and make sure that ’Always ünden is selected.

How to Add Weather to Lock Screen?

In order for the weather information to appear on the Lock Screen, Bedtime Mode must be activated from the options of the Do Not Disturb feature. By using the Do Not Disturb feature in a timed manner, a welcome message such as da Good Morning li and ıyla Good Morning birlikte will appear on the Lock Screen with the automatic closing of the feature when the time comes.

You can follow the steps below to show the weather information on the Lock Screen.

Step 1: Open the Settings application.

Step 2: Touch the Do not disturb menu. Set the switch next to Timed to green. Select the Start and End time and switch the switch next to Bedtime Mode to green.iOS 13: How to Add Weather to Lock Screen?

When the Do Not Disturb feature, which will be activated automatically at the specified time, closes at the end time, Tilt Time Mode will be triggered and the weather information and welcome message will be displayed. As soon as you unlock your iPhone, the weather information will disappear.

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